
Device Status Panel

The Devices panel on the left of the Status Tab lists all the types of devices the application is able to identify. The icon to the left of each device indicates whether it is connected via USB or Ethernet. Devices are listed in the order they are discovered by the application.

Each device is identified by its Friendly Name or, if a friendly name has not been allocated, the device serial number.

Hover the cursor over the blue information icon (if displayed) and a pop-up dialogue appears offering information on Flash or Firmware upgrades should they be available.

Click on a device and the Status Panel is populated with a detailed summary of the device including details of Flash and Firmware versions, IP Address (if connected via a network), serial number and average temperature of the device etc.

The Status Panel also displays the input and output properties, a detailed view of each property can be viewed by clicking on each drop-down menu.

The properties of the device can be changed using the device Webserver. Click on the Open Webserver button at the bottom of the panel.


Upgrades to the Firmware and Flash can be done using the upgrade buttons at the bottom of the panel.

Reset Device

Clicking on the Reset Device button will return all the settings to the factory default. However, the network settings will remain if the device is connected via a network.

Colour Legend

Items displayed in the Status Panel are colour coded for example the Inputs and Outputs.

Green - Indicates that inputs and outputs are connected and the device is operating normally.

Amber - Warning that something is not working correctly i.e. No Signal.

Blue - Text highlighted blue is user information.

Red - Indicates that an error has occured.


Active Input Icon - The Active Input Icon will be displayed when an active signal is connected to one of the device inputs.

Genlocked Icon - Indicates the output signal is genlocked. The properties panel will display what the genlock source is.

Failed Genlock Icon - Indicates the genlocking has failed. If required, use the Webserver to try and re-establish genlocking.

Low Fan Speed Icon - Indicates the fan in the device is on the low setting.

High Fan Speed Icon - Indicates the fan in the device is on the high setting.
